
Welcome to Grace Oasis, a place where I'm learning to embrace God's grace and extend His love towards others. 

I created this corner a few years ago during a period in my life when I felt both overwhelmed and drained by life's demands. I was desperate to find a place where the fear of being me and asking persistent questions about faith and purpose wouldn't be judged. Thus, Grace Oasis was born, with a blatant hope that by printing the words in black and white I would suddenly no longer be bonded to legalistic rituals, but finally walk in freedom. 

But, if I'm being honest, finding and practicing the grace of God has been HARD. I've still struggled in my pursuit of finding peace and acceptance, EVERY. DAY. 

I'm not a person satisfied by easy answers and surface chatter. I write as a way to discover Truth. These words are splattered across the page like paint thrown on a canvas. At a glance, it's a mess but when viewed from a distance, it's a masterpiece and lends itself to something BIGGER. A hint of something MORE.

I write here because I hope that my words will be an encouragement to those who have similar questions in a world where platitudes and polished answers are too quick on our lips. I desire to be a person in which others can find a sanctum of grace on their journey, no matter their religious beliefs. I hope that this may be a landing site for similar sojourners.

In short, I'm a 20-something wife living with two ornery cats and a loving husband, trying to follow God's pillar of fire in the wilderness of this world. My pursuit of God and accepting peace is messy, confusing and sometimes infuriating, but that's the point of grace, right? 

Welcome to Grace Oasis. Let's find sanctuary together.

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